2024 Athlete Summer Program now taking reservations.
Home of the best summer athlete program.
Athlete’s don’t have much time off so when they do it’s important to work efficiently. We incorporate a personalized system that not only works on strength, power and speed training but one that will also have our athletes moving with more mobility and less dysfunction. Each athlete has the ability to work in a group environment but at the level that fits their needs so no program is the same. For more information please give us a call or send us an email and we’d be happy to explain how we’ll assist your athlete to the next level.
Athlete evaluation
Each athlete may have something specific they need to work on. During our evaluation we will identify the missing pieces to assist your athlete in building a better foundation.
tailored athlete strength program
Based on our evaluation, we will structure your athlete’s program to ensure they are working on both their weaknesses as well as improving strength, power, and speed.
athlete field sessions
We will place athletes in athletic environments as often as we can. If we aren’t working on individual skills we will be working in an open environment to prepare each athlete for the real deal.
tailored athlete conditioning program (Optional)
As stated earlier, each athlete will be evaluated with a battery of initial tests. Based off their results, we would be happy to provide an at-home conditioning program tailored to your athlete if requested.
Past Results

Historical Program Results
Non Countermovement Broad Jump Increased by as much as 13in with an average of 7.5in - a measure of Starting Strength.
Countermovement Broad Jump Increased by as much as 15in with an average of 6in - a measure of Explosive Strength.
40yd Dash - in 8 weeks we brought 40 times down by as much as .25sec with an average of .104sec.
We had athletes improve their conditioning by as much as 25% with an average of 12%.
5-0-5 results improved by as much as .25sec with an average of .11sec - a measure of Change of Direction Quickness.
Side-to-Side Comparison of 5-0-5 (the ability to replicate speed turning in both directions) was initially measured with an average of .103sec difference from one side to the other and ended the program with an average of .046 difference (the closer to 0 the better).
“Athletes tend to be a product of their environment, if they are playing the same sport year-round, that sport will begin to break-down their body both by overuse of repetitive movements and by non-use of others.”
From our initial program held in 2014, we continually revise and improve our program to produce better results year over year. Our goals are simple, give every athlete a chance to improve their foundation and provide them with new environments to be athletic in to test those skills. We want each athlete to not only improve their weaknesses but to also build upon their strengths. We look to give them the time to build back their base so they can stay on the field and continue to have fun.
More Historical Results
Mobility improves by an average of 15%.
Non Countermovement Broad Jump improves by an average of 7in. - a measure of Starting Strength.
Countermovement Broad Jump improves by an average of 7.5in. - a measure of Explosive Strength.
5-0-5 results improves by as much as 0.26sec with an average of .10sec. (A comparative change of direction speed drill)
5-0-5 side-to-side comparisons improve by 43% (the ability to cut just as fast going left as going right).
40yd Dash Times improves by as much as .32sec with an average of .13sec.
Conditioning improves by an average of 11%.